It has always been Dr Jugal Kishore's vision to compile a single complete repertory with all the information. One of the aims of this work is to make the task of repertorising more convenient and user friendly. One need not refer to any other major repertory for mind and generalities as we have covered all major repertories completely. Different pathologies and syndromes also find their place here. Meaning of difficult rubrics are explained for convenience
Instead of looking for a particular rubric in different repertories, there should be one source where one could seek all the information.
Creating and making a Repertory is a never ending task and a challenging one at that. There are scores of such books in the Hom. Literature.In preparing this book he has updated the relevant rubrics in the Kent’s as well as Boger Bonninghausen's repertory. These reliable additions were made from the eminent authors as well as personal records of repeated clinical confirmations in a clinical practice of 60 years. The grading of symptoms are generally based on the gradings given in Kent and Synthetic Repertory. It may however be mentioned that in case of Mental symptoms not only this generalization is of great value but particularization of the mental symptoms also plays an important and sometimes decisive role. This repertory also includes Dr Jugal Kishore’s additions which are collected over 60 years of practice. The proving on Cynadon Dactylon, Dust, Neem and Tylophora Indica have been added here. Various sources of the Repertory - J.T.Kent
- Boger Boening hausen
- Synthetic Repertory
- Calvin B. Knerr
- O.A.Julian
- Boeriecke
- George Vithoulkas
- S.R. Pathak
- Drugs of Hindoostan
- Jugal Kishore
This humble effort from Dr. Jugal Kishore comes with the wisdom of the past and the present, and is presented as “Integrated Homoeopathic Repertory---MIND and GENERALITIES” We hope that this integration of the philosophy and arrangement of the main authors of different fundamental repertories will help the prescriber better in their work and that too without disturbing the two different schools of repertorization. |