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Homeopathy for Hypertension


Effects of long continued Hypertension

Hypertension, if uncontrolled, causes damage to various organs in the body resulting to other diseases. Sustained high blood pressure is associated with changes in the vessels as we ll as secondary changes in the heart, brain and kidneys. The organs usually affected are the following.

  1. Heart:- there is chance to coronary artery diseases leading to heart attack and heart failure.

  2. Blood vessels:- These is thickening of internal lumina, smooth muscles of arteries are hypertrophied, and the vessels dilate and become tortuous. These may be limping (claudication) and gangrene.

  3. Brain:- Hypertensive encephalopathy (transient disturbance of speech and vision, paresthesia, disorientation, fits and loss of consciousness);stroke(very common), cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral infarction subarachnoid haemorrhage.

  4. Kidneys:– these may be haematuria and proteinuria, leading to renal failure and the need for dialysis

  5. Eyes:– Cotton wood exudates are associated with retinal ischaemia or infarction leading to blindness



Investigations to a case of Hypertension

For all patients with hypertension   In selective patients with Hypertension
1. Urinalysis for blood, protein and glucose   1. Chest radiography: to detect cardiomegaly, heart failure, coarctation of aorta,
2. Blood urea, electrolytes and creatinine .   2. Ambulatory blood pressure recording: to assess borderline or white coat, hypertension.
3. Blood glucose level.   3. Echocardiongram: to detect or quantify left ventricular hypertrophy.
4. Serum total and high density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterole.   4. Renal ultrasound: to detect possible renal disease.
5. 12-leadECG (left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary artery disease).   5. Renal angiography: to detect or confirm presence of renal artery stenosis.
      6. Urinary catecholamines: to detect possible phaeochromocytoma
      7. Plasma rennin activity.


Foods beneficial for Hypertension




Potassium helps to prevent and control blood pressure. Some good sources are various fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, and fish.

Magnesium levels are consistently low in people suffering from hypertension. Leafy greens, whole grains, poppy seeds and beans are good dietary sources for magnesium.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the blood pressure lowering effect of calcium supplementation. Good sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, and cheese. Low fat and non – fat dairy products have more calcium than the high fat products.

Stewed tomatoes
Dry peas and beans
Orange juice
Sweet potatoes
Green beans

Soy milk
Whole grain ready-to-eat cooked
Sea food
whole wheat bread
nuts and seeds

Turnip greens
Tofu (made with calcium sulfate )




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